Siem Reap to Phnom Pehn
Planning to get from Siem Reap to Phnom Pehn on the 22nd November. There seem to be two choices, either the boat or bus.
The boat takes on average 5 hours if you’re lucky (plus the 45-minute trip to the pier) and costs $25 leaving at 07:00. By all accounts a bit of a rip off. Boats often break down or run aground in the dry season and its not unknown for it to take ten hours.
The recommended bus company seems to be the Mekong Limousine Express, which takes 5 hours and costs $9. There are other buses costing $4 which will get you there but not in as much comfort (i.e free snacks, water and a toilet)
Bus companies, prices and timetable
Looked at a few places and will probably go with California 2 right on Sisowath Quay. Rooms in the high season.go for $20 or $25 with a river view.
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